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In today's competitive business environment, retaining top talent should be a priority for every leader in an organization. As a leader, understanding the needs and desires of those on your team is crucial to maintaining a high level of job satisfaction and reducing turnover rates. Stay interviews offer a unique opportunity to gain insight into the factors that keep the individuals on your team engaged and motivated, acting as a crystal ball to foresee potential issues before they escalate or worse... they leave. I think all leaders would agree, engaged and motived teams produce the best results.

The Power of Stay Interviews:

As a leader, stay interviews are a proactive way for you to have meaningful discussions with the individuals on your team, focusing on understanding the their experience, concerns, and aspirations within the organization. These conversations allow you to:

  1. Identify areas for improvement in the work environment, company culture, or management practices.

  2. Enhance individuals engagement by demonstrating that their opinions and contributions are valued.

  3. Uncover potential retention risks and address them proactively.

  4. Foster a sense of trust and open communication within the team.

  5. Strengthen the relationship between you and the individuals on your team, leading to increased loyalty and commitment.

Best Practices for Conducting Stay Interviews:

To ensure your stay interviews are effective and provide valuable insights, consider the following best practices:

  1. Prepare: Review the individual's work history and performance to tailor the conversation to their specific experiences.

  2. Create a comfortable environment: Select a private, neutral setting where the individual feels at ease to speak openly.

  3. Ask open-ended questions: Encourage dialogue by asking questions that elicit thoughtful, detailed responses.

  4. Listen actively: Show empathy, take notes, and seek clarification when necessary to build trust and rapport.

  5. Avoid making unrealistic promises: Be honest about what changes can be implemented and manage expectations accordingly.

  6. Follow up: Share a summary of the discussion with the individual and create an action plan to address their concerns.

  7. Make stay interviews a regular practice: Schedule these conversations at whatever frequency you feel is needed. They can be monthly, quarterly or semi-annually whatever frequency is needed to maintain open communication and address concerns promptly.

Effective Stay Interview Questions:

To maximize the value of stay interviews, focus on asking open-ended questions that encourage honest, reflective responses. Some examples include:

  1. What do you enjoy most about your current role, and what aspects are the most challenging?

  2. What motivates you to come to work every day, and what factors could potentially make you consider leaving?

  3. How well do you feel your skills and strengths are being utilized in your current position?

  4. Can you share your thoughts on the work-life balance at our company?

  5. How would you describe the quality of communication between you and I?

  6. What opportunities for professional growth and development are most important to you?

  7. How do you feel about the recognition and feedback you receive for your work?

  8. How would you describe the company/function/team culture and values?

  9. What resources or support do you need to be more successful in your role?

  10. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience working here that we haven't discussed yet?

Stay interviews are a powerful tool for leaders seeking to retain and engage their top talent. By fostering open communication, addressing concerns proactively, and demonstrating a commitment to individual's satisfaction, stay interviews can help you create a thriving work environment that benefits both your team and your organization.

Begin implementing stay interviews today and discover the insights waiting within your very own crystal ball!

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Ted Lasso, the hit TV series, has captured the hearts of millions with its blend of humor, heart, and insightful life lessons. At its core, the show is a masterclass in effective leadership, offering numerous valuable takeaways that can be applied to various areas of life.

For those who have not seen the show, the main character Ted Lasso is an American college football coach hired to coach a fictitious soccer (football) team in the English Premier League (EPL). With no knowledge of European football, Ted has to rely on his leadership rather than technical skills to bring the team together and lead the team and payers through obstacles that life throws their way.

In each episode, there are lessons on life and leadership – that even the most successful of us would find valuable.

Lets explore 10 key leadership lessons from Ted Lasso and how leaders can use these principles to become more effective in their roles.

Lead with Empathy

In the show, Ted Lasso demonstrates the importance of empathy in leadership. By understanding and connecting with his players and others within the organization on a personal level, he creates an environment of trust and support. As a leader, fostering empathy allows you to better understand the needs of your team, helping you make informed decisions that benefit everyone involved.

Stay Positive and Optimistic

Ted Lasso's unwavering optimism and positive attitude are essential ingredients to his leadership style. By maintaining a positive outlook and focusing on the potential for success, leaders can inspire their teams to overcome challenges, stay motivated, and work collaboratively towards shared goals.

Adapt and Evolve

One of the most important qualities of a successful leader is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Ted Lasso demonstrates this by recognizing when adjustments are needed and responding accordingly. Embracing adaptability enables you to respond effectively to challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

Listen Like Your Life Depends On It

Effective leaders are not just good at speaking; they are also excellent listeners. Ted Lasso highlights the importance of active listening by genuinely hearing and engaging with his players and staff. As a leader, developing active listening skills helps build trust and loyalty, paving the way for stronger relationships and more effective teamwork.

Empower Your Team

Ted Lasso excels at empowering his team members, providing them with the resources, support, and encouragement they need to thrive. By empowering your team, you enable them to take ownership of their work, resulting in increased engagement, motivation, and better overall performance.

Believe Even When Others Don't

A critical component of Ted Lasso's leadership style is his unwavering belief in his team's abilities. By demonstrating faith in your team and their potential, you inspire them to push beyond their limits and achieve greatness.

Embracing Vulnerability Can Be A Strength

Ted Lasso shows that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. By being open and honest about his own challenges, he humanizes himself and fosters an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. As a leader, embracing vulnerability can lead to stronger connections and more effective collaboration.

Communicate Clearly and Effectively

As a leader, clear and effective communication is essential. Ted Lasso demonstrates this by ensuring that everyone on his team understands their roles, responsibilities, and objectives. By communicating your expectations and goals clearly, you can help your team stay aligned and focused on achieving success.

Be Humble and Open to Feedback

Humility is a powerful leadership trait, and Ted Lasso exemplifies this by being open to feedback and willing to learn from his mistakes. Recognizing your limitations and being open to constructive criticism can help you grow as a leader and make better decisions for your team.

Cultivate a Strong Team Culture

Lastly, Ted Lasso's emphasis on building a strong team culture fosters camaraderie, commitment, and resilience. As a leader, investing time and effort into developing a positive and inclusive culture can lead to a more engaged and high-performing team.


"For me, success is not about the wins and losses. It's about helping these young fellas be the best versions of themselves on and off the field."

Ted Lasso


The leadership lessons from Ted Lasso are invaluable for leaders in any context, offering practical and effective strategies for inspiring and motivating teams. By embracing empathy, positivity, adaptability, active listening, empowerment, belief in your team, vulnerability, clear communication, humility, and a strong team culture, leaders can cultivate an environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and success.

In today's rapidly changing world, these lessons can serve as a guiding light for leaders seeking to navigate uncertainty, drive innovation, and create lasting positive impact. By integrating these principles into your leadership approach, you can empower your team to reach their full potential, overcome challenges, and achieve collective success.

The timeless wisdom and relatable humor of Ted Lasso provide an enjoyable and educational experience for anyone interested in personal growth and effective leadership. By learning from Ted Lasso's example, leaders across industries can foster an environment of trust, support, and resilience, ultimately leading to more engaged, motivated, and high-performing teams. So, grab your favorite biscuit, sit back, and take in the many valuable lessons from this beloved TV series as you continue on your journey toward Eudimonia in life and leadership.

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Winston Churchill was a renowned leader who guided his country through one of its darkest times, World War II. His leadership style is often cited as one of the reasons for his success, and many leaders myself included look to Churchill as a model for their own leadership. In this article, I will explore some of the key traits and behaviors that characterized Churchill's leadership style, and how you can incorporate them into your own leadership.

Have a clear vision

One of Churchill's most important traits was his ability to articulate a clear vision for his country, even in the face of adversity. He understood that in order to inspire and motivate people, he needed to have a clear goal in mind and be able to communicate it effectively. As a leader, it's essential to have a clear vision for your organization and to communicate it to your team in a way that inspires and motivates them.

Be a great communicator

Churchill was a master of communication, and he used his skills to rally his country during its darkest days. He knew how to use words to inspire, motivate, and persuade, and he was able to get his message across to people in a way that resonated with them. As a leader, it's important to be a great communicator, to be able to articulate your vision clearly, and to inspire your team to work towards your shared goals.

Lead by example

Churchill led by example, and he expected his team to do the same. He was known for his tireless work ethic, his courage, and his resilience, inspiring those around him to follow his lead. As a leader, it's important to lead by example, to set the tone for your team and to show them what you expect from them. When you model the behavior you want to see in your team, you create a culture of excellence that can help your organization achieve its goals.


Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm

- Winston Churchill


Embrace failure

Churchill was not afraid to fail, and he understood that failure was a natural part of the learning process. He embraced his mistakes and used them to learn and grow, while encouraging his team to do the same. As a leader, it's important to embrace failure, to learn from your mistakes, and to use them as an opportunity to improve. When you create a culture that accepts failure as a natural part of the learning process, you create an environment where people feel empowered to take risks and innovate.

Stay focused

Churchill was known for his unwavering focus, even in the face of overwhelming odds. He never lost sight of his vision for his country, and he remained committed to his goals even when things looked bleak. As a leader, it's important to stay focused, to remain committed to your goals, and to stay the course even when things get tough. When you stay focused, you inspire your team to do the same, and you create an environment where everyone is working towards a shared vision.

In conclusion, Winston Churchill was an exceptional leader who left a lasting impact on the world. His leadership style was characterized by his ability to articulate a clear vision, communicate effectively, lead by example, embrace failure, and stay focused. As a leader, you can incorporate these traits and behaviors into your own leadership style, to inspire and motivate your team to achieve Eudimonia.

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